- Erosion:
- Is the process in which, by the action of wind or water, soil particles are displaced and transported
- Sediment:
- Eroded material suspended in wind or water
- Sedimentation:
- The deposition of eroded material
What are the types of Erosion?
- Splash:
- Raindrop impact, dispersal and mobilization of soil Particles
- Sheet:
- Saturated soils, soil particles entrained in run-off water, uniform removal
- Rill:
- Increased topographic relief, higher run-off velocities, Soil Incision
- Gully:
- Concentrated flow, head cutting, down cutting
- Stream Bank:
- Natural drainage patterns, toe cutting, bank sloughing
What influences Erosion?
- Rainfall Intensity and Duration
- Soil Erodibility Factor
- LS Factor (flow path Length & Slope)
What are the Benefits of Prevention Measures? (Cover Practices)
- Reduces rainfall impacts
- Reduces Surface water velocities
- Assists with infiltration
- Vegetative shoots trap sediment
- Roots retain soil particles
- Promotes permanent vegetation establishment